h2 class="sidebar-title">Links muziekgek: waar luistert Bush naar?


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zondag, juni 11, 2006

waar luistert Bush naar?

Bush's iPod reveals music tastes

Ain't no Fortunate Son, but Bush doesn't listen only to supporters
George W Bush is a fan of country music and classic rock, but he also likes "a little bit of hard core and honky tonk", his iPod playlist suggests.
His 250 songs include country greats George Jones and Alan Jackson, but also My Sharona by the Knack.

Mr Bush has an aide download music for him and listens to it while mountain biking, the New York Times reported.

Rolling Stone journalist Joe Levy called the playlist "feel-good music. The Sex Pistols it's not."

"It's safe, it's reliable, it's loving," Mr Levy said.

"One thing that's interesting is that the president likes artists who don't like him," he added.

John Fogerty: Centerfield
Van Morrison: Brown-Eyed Girl
Stevie Ray Vaughan: The House is Rockin'
The Knack: My Sharona
Blackie and the Rodeo Kings: Swinging from the Chains of Love
Country stars Alan Jackson, George Jones, Kenny Chesney
Classic rockers Eric Clapton, Robert Palmer, Bryan Adams

That group includes former Credence Clearwater Revival singer John Fogerty, whose baseball anthem Centerfield is on the iPod.

CCR's anti-Vietnam war song Fortunate Son is not, Mr Bush's cycling partner Mark McKinnon said.

"If any president limited his music selection to pro-establishment musicians, it would be a pretty slim collection," Mr McKinnon told the New York Times.

He advised against "psychoanalysing" the playlist.

"It's music to get over the next hill," Mr McKinnon said.

Mr Bush's daughters gave him the iPod for his birthday last July.